Admin. 4160h —FALL 2020Assignment No. 1 [Essay]‘In the context of Postmodernity, the focus of brand management has evolved from managing the ‘Thing’ (a product/service) to managing thesociocultural‘Link’(with a product/service). Critically assessthe validity of this statement. The essay will be marked out of 30marks. The essay should be structured as follows:[Note: please write the essay like a traditional English literature essay with no subheadings—thosehereunder are onlyfor guidance]

•Introduction(settingup the argument)(8marks)[Hint: use the changing scope of defining a brandas a guide]

•General introduction to the topic[hint:the raise of Post-modern consumption]

•Narrow the topic down to the central point of the argument you are asked to address[hint: the effect of post modernity on changing the role of the consumer in the definition(s)of a brand]

•Based on the above, outline in a statement (the thesis statement) your argument/stanceregardingthe topic and how your essaywill be structured todevelop/justifythis argument/stance.

•Body(developing/justifyingyour argument(the bulk part)(16marks):

•Discuss/explain the various aspects/points of your argument using theory and examples. [In other words, make sure to fully incorporate theevolution in modeling the process of brandingand the supportive case/s discussed in lectures in your discussion(justification)before adding any external sources/cases].[Hint:using postmodernity traits, analyzewhyand howmanaging thebranding processhasevolved (or not) from focusing on the ‘Thing’ to focusing on the ‘Link’ with rich support from stories/cases along the way]. •Conclusion(confirmingyour argument)(3marks):•Sum up your argument(hint: sum up the outcome ofthe discussion).

•Based on the above summary, come up with your own opinionabout the statement cited in the Topic (i.e.confirmthe position outlined in yourthesis statement).

•References/bibliography(aseparate page)(3marks)

oAs a guide for referencing inside and at the end(in the bibliography) of the essay, use the Harvard system-find detailedguidanceposted on Blackboard.oPlease Note: you DON’T NEED to make a citationfor class/seminar notes. •Editing informationoWord limit: 1700 wordsoDouble spaced-font 12oPls. put your essay’s word-count on the Cover Page)