Conceptualize Angela Evangelista, a transgender character from Netflix Series Pose.

  • Identification of additional data needed by the counselor to plan treatment for the client
  • Identify and thoroughly describe any standardized screening measures appropriate for screening the client.
    • Discuss potential relevance and biases with multicultural populations
    • Support your reason for choosing the screening instruments.
  • Discussion of differential diagnosis: identify the diagnoses that are confirmed and the diagnoses that must be ruled out
  • Discuss if there are co-occurring substance use disorders and medical or psychological disorders and potential impact
  • Identification of stage of change and defenses used by the client, with rationale provided
  • Identification of short-term goals for the client
  • Identification of long-term goals for the client
  • Detailed and specific treatment plan for the client
  • Discussion of ethical, family, and cultural considerations that may influence counseling of the client *this is especially important because she is transgender and has no familial support from her biological family. Her support comes from her boyfriend and tight nit circle of friends*
  • Discussion of potential counselor bias or countertransference issues that might impact the counseling process



Angel Evangelista

Season 2 (episode 7 and 8)

  • Went to a magazine release party with her boyfriend, Papi. They were invited to the VIP section where they saw people casually snorting cocaine off a table. Angel wanted to try the cocaine (a decision that could derail her career and cause her to be kicked out of her house). Papi tried to talk her out of it but failed. Angel gave into the industry peer pressure.
  • The next day, one of Angel’s roommate catches Angel and Papi with cocaine and tries to warn them, and the two swear that it’s just a one-time thing. But at the end of the episode, Angel arrives at her big shoot two hours late(and visibly exhausted from a night out) and is warned by her modeling agent that she’s playing a dangerous game with her career. And, to Angel’s surprise, the same guy who gave her the drugs is working on the set.
  • If Angel develops an addiction, it could lead to her losing gigs or, even worse, losing her life if she has an accidental overdose. She has worked hard to leave sex work behind and pursue her passion of modeling, so it would be tragic if her journey takes a downward spiral because of drug use.
  • Angel’s roommate eventually tells their house mother that Angel is using cocaine and Angel moves out