Each student will write a 5-6 page research paper on an emerging/re-emerging communicable disease using at least 5 or more current credible sources, APA format, double-spaced, and 12 point font. (100 points) Include a cover page, abstract, introduction, specific details of the disease (see below), and a conclusion. The rubric provided will help guide you through the development and implementation of the paper.
Paper should include:
Disease description: Describe the disease including details on symptoms and significance of the disease.
History of disease: Include a clear description of the history of the disease including origins, significant individuals involved in the discovery of the disease, and the impact of the disease.
Reasons for emergence/data: Include multiple data points (DALY, mortality, morbidity, and risk factors) supporting the significance of the disease finding its way into the US and/or global population. Discuss how the disease is measured. Fully describe the reasoning behind the re-emergence of the disease (if applicable).
Methods of control/prevention: Identify multiple methods available for the control/prevention of the disease. Discuss surveillance of the disease and how it contributes to disease control.
References: Citations and references should be in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. All claims should be supported with a professional reference.
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