An 83-year-old woman with a history of hypertension and dyslipidemia developed acute onset of impaired speech and comprehension, and right-sided weakness. Her previous medical history is notable for hyperthyroidism and a curative remote mastectomy for breast cancer. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Your initial examination shows global aphasia, right homonymous hemianopia, right hemiplegia, and hemisensory loss.
1. Discuss the process of cellular hypoxia in regards to ischemic strokes as well as discuss the ischemic penumbra in regards to evolving strokes.
Patient is admitted for cardiac and stroke work up. Findings indicate that patient is having an acute ischemic stroke caused by distal left internal carotid artery occlusion, with salvageable penumbral tissue and a persistent large-vessel occlusion.
2. Develop a concept map using the provided template. Disease state: Acute ischemic stroke.
Your discussion of these case studies and question needs to be focused on the pathophysiologic process from the cellular level to patient presentation.
In regards to the concept map portion of this assignment, you mudt make connections- that is the fundamental purpose of a concept map. Some much of disease states and patient presentation are multifactorial and a concept map is a good critical thinking tool to help you visualize this. Again, the emphasis should be on the pathophysiology. The pathophysiology is the basis for all the other information and connections- it is the WHY behind your subjective/objective findings and the treatment.
Must have proper APA citations.