Answer each question completely. This means, knowing what is being asked. All items are based on the readings that begin with educational segregation. Once you are clear on the question, go the specific article and review the information. Formulate how you will answer then write it out. If you are satisfied, then move to the next.

The assignment is worth 20 points. Please take it seriously and do not wait until Sunday at 11:30 pm. As with the previous assignment, upload your paper when finished and submit. Papers should be double-spaced and three to four pages in length.

1. Discuss the reasons for segregating Mexican children (U.S. born and immigrant) according to San Miguel. Be sure to add the consequences explained by the author (he says there were positive and negative ones). What do you think?

2. The educational pipeline is defined as the flow of knowledge, skills and students. According to Yasso and Solórzano, what are some of the school conditions that hold back Mexican-origin students from successfully navigating the pipeline?

3. On page 78, second paragraph, Diaz-Soto describes the function of critical bilingual-bicultural pedagogy. The focus is on students and families. What are the three goals bilingual-bicultural educators should ensure to help students and families achieve?

4. What does Helen Rowan mean by the “educational deprivation” of migrant students? That is, what are the experiences that affect schooling outcomes? Explain.

Just in case: Migrant students are the children of migrant workers who generally work in agriculture and because of a lack of work (end of the harvest) must journey to other parts of the country to locate work and support their families. Many times, children are pulled out of school (say, Socorro elementary) and enrolled in a new one (South Texas). From their they are taken out of school and journey to still another site and reenrolled in school. This can go on for a year until the family returns home to work in the harvest and after a couple months, they are back on the road. This alone can affect achievement.