Objective: This assignment will enable students to understand viral life cycles, treatment, epidemiology by exploring a specific virus. They will be able to apply this specific knowledge to the general concepts of virology.

Sign up for a virus. Using the textbook, internet or other sources, answer the following questions about your specific virus.   Type your answers in a different dark color so they stand out.


  1. Virus name:
  2. Virus family:
  3. Is this virus naked or enveloped?
  4. What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA)
  5. Describe the life cycle of a virus. Include all five steps (you may give the generalized virus life cycle).
  6. Discuss the host range of your virus.
  7. Discuss the routes of transmission of your virus and how it can be controlled.
  8. What treatments/preventative (vaccines), if any, are available.
  9. Any other interesting facts about your virus?
  10. References/Source Materials: