Study Guide Exam 3Skeletal System

1. What are the functions of the human skeleton?

2. Distinguish between compact bone and spongy bone and describe each of their functions.

3. Distinguish between bone and cartilage. Which would typically heal faster after an injury and why?

4. Describe the structure of an osteon.

5. What are the two main sections of the human skeleton? Name some of the bones of each.

6. Describe the different types of articulations found in the skeleton.What type of movementdoes each allow?Muscular System

1. List the three types of muscles and provide a function for each

.2. What is meant by an antagonistic pair of muscles?

3. Differentiate between slow twitch and fast twitch skeletal muscles.

4. Explain the process of muscle fiber contraction.

5. Summarize how activities within the neuromuscular junction control muscle fiber contraction.Nervous System

1. Describe the structure of a neuron.

2. Summarize the activities that generate a nerve impulse.

3. Summarize the propagation of an action potential across a neuron.

4. Describe how a nerve impulse is propagated across more than one neuron.

5. Distinguish between the central and peripheral nervous systems.

6. Distinguish between the somatic and autonomic systems.

7. Identify the regionsof the brain and provide a function for each.


1. List the four types of sensory receptors and describe what each responds to.

2. State the function of each type of skin receptor.

3. Differentiate between the sensesof taste and smell and describe how they interact with one another.

4. What are the five basic taste sensations?

5. Differentiate between rods and cones. What is the function of each?

6. Identify the structures of the ear that are involved in hearing and balance.

7. What is the receptor for hearing? What are the receptors for balance?

Endocrine System

1. Distinguish between the mode of action of a neurotransmitter and that of a hormone.

2. Compare the action of peptide and steroid hormones.

3. Identify the endocrine glands of the human body.

4. List the hormones produced by each gland and give their functions.

Reproductive Hormones

1. Sketch a negative feedback loop that includes the hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonads.

2. Summarize how FSH, LH, and testosterone regulate the male reproductive system.

3. Summarize how FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone regulate the female reproductive system.

4. List the stages of the menstrual cycle (non-pregnant) and explain what is occurring in each stage.

5. What are the functions of HCG, prolactin, and oxytocin?

Reproductive System

1. Identify the structures of the male reproductive system and describe what each of them does.

2. What are the parts of a sperm cell and what does each do?

3. What glands produce seminal fluid?

4. Describe what causes an erection in the penis.

5. Identify the structures of the female reproductive system and describe what each of them does.

6. Identify the regions of the external genitalia in women.

7. List the types of birth control and summarizehow each reduces the chance of fertilization of an egg by a sperm