Doctor Nursing Practice scholarly project topic: I am focused on promoting nutritional awareness and improving dietary habits to those with Type 2 DM. I plan on providing nutrition and physical activity education to improve diabetes knowledge and glycemic control with decreased A1c levels over a period. Self-efficacy assessment will be used as well as pre and posttest to assess knowledge. This setting will be in a community based clinic that serves uninsured and low income people ***

  • Introduction –Elements to include in your introduction slide–Provide some background information so that readers understand the issue–Explain why the issue is important–Describe what is known about the issue–State what action needs to be taken and why–Present how you plan to do that (your project)–State your PICOT question
  • Problem Identification Student accurately identifies the practice problem (i.e. clinical, policy, health system) and includes ALL of the following information: Objective data supporting the problem (i.e. statistics) at a national, state and local (site specific) levels. Student clearly introduces ONE topic for the Scholarly Project,including title of the project and a two to threesentence statementoverview of the project.
  • Why is this problem important? Student confidently and clearly articulates why the problem identified above is important to the audience. Student uses at least 2 objective/well-documented reasons for support.
  • Translational Framework Student names ONE appropriate translational framework for which they plan to use for their Scholarly Project and slide clearly identifies the translational frameworkwith a diagram or chart.
  • PICO Student includes accurate descriptions of ALL of the following:P (Problem)I (Intervention)C (Comparison Group)O (Outcomes)
  • Identification of Key Stakeholders Student identifies at least 5 Key Stakeholders affected by their proposed Scholarly Project –Identify all of the Stakeholders–Clinical or nonclinical staff–Departmental and organizational leaders–Patients and families–Insurance payers–Policy makers
  • Introduction to the Scholarly Project Topic
  • Evidence (Articles) for Translation –5 articles –Current, 2011- or explanation if not available–Cite APA–Type of Evidence (RCT, Meta-analyses, etc)–Sample, sample size, and setting–Study findings that help answer the EBP question–Limitations of the study–Evidence Level and Quality completed “Individual Evidence Summary Tool”
  • Evidence Type Student accurately identifies the evidence type for 100 % of the articles (i.e. Randomized Controlled Trial, Case Study etc).
  • Evidence Level & Quality Student accurately identifies the evidence level and quality for 100% of the articles.
  • Sample, Sample Size, and Setting Student accurately describes sample, sample size and setting for 100% of the articles.
  • Study Findings to Support Evidence Based Practice Student accurately describes the study findings to support the evidence based practice change for 100% of the articles.
  • Limitations
  • Summary briefly summarize the presentation
  • References
  • All articles included in the Scholarly Project should be included in this table.
  • Please don’t forget to complete Individual Evidence Summary Tool attached: Evidence (Articles) for Translation –5 articles –Current, 2011- or explanation if not available–Cite APA–Type of Evidence (RCT, Meta-analyses, etc)–Sample, sample size, and setting–Study findings that help answer the EBP question–Limitations of the study–Evidence Level and Quality completed “Individual Evidence Summary Tool”