1. Three events discussed in BOTH lecture and readings, which you think are key turning points in the history of the Arab/Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
event 1: World War I and the Palestine Mandate, event 2: The Sykes-Picot Agreement , event 3: The Balfour Declaration.

2. What are they showing rather than it is a good primary source and the time period.

3. Using primary AND secondary sources, argue why these events are crucial to the way the conflict unfolded. In your discussion make sure to include the consequences of these events for different economic, social and political groups. ONLY use your class’s book and materials. No outside sources allowed.Began with a strong thesis statement explain why these three events World War I and the Palestine Mandate, The Sykes-Picot Agreement, and The Balfour Declaration are the key turning points in the history of the Arab/Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

Highlight the thesis in red. Please make the thesis clear and concise, it should make the audience to read the full paper.