i. Find and analyze a CSR initiative from an organization that fits your career interests.
ii. Summarize the CSR initiative – what is the purpose? – how is this initiative
communicated to stakeholders/the public?
iii. Your analysis and recommendations – is this initiative effective? Why or why not? What
would you do differently?
iv. Relate to this week’s reading (text and journal article)
v. This assignment is to be a minimum of 900 words (not including works cited page).
text: Stoldt, G.C., Dittmore, S.W., Branvold, S.E. (2012). Sport Public Relations: Managing Stakeholder
Communication. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
TOPIC: corporate social responsibility, would like to stay focused on the NBA
article: https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2019/09/09/In-Depth/Social-responsibility.aspx