Discussion Topics Week 2

Question 1

This week you read about the concept of culture. Culture shock can often occur when you come into contact with a culture or subculture that is very different from your own.

Please share an example of culture shock that you have experienced. Why do you think you felt this way?

Make sure to bring in the course concepts you have been reading about this week such as cultural norms, values, mores, theories, etc.

Use these 3 PDF files listed below as your reference from my class to answer this question 1.

Chapter 3 Culture

Chapter 4 Society and Social Interaction

Sociological Perspectives Culture and History

Question 2

This week we are going to discuss two different topics, socialization and cultural variation. For this week, please respond to the following two discussion topics:

Topic 1 – Using the information from your course readings, what are some of the socializing agents beyond your family that you consider influential in your life?

  • How can socializing agents be both positive and negative in the development of the self? Give some examples to support your response.

Topic 2 – Please discuss the definition of deviance as related to cultural variation.

  • Give examples of how certain acts in the United States are considered deviant by other cultures, and conversely what acts we might consider deviant, even though they are considered normal in other cultures.
  • What standards do we use to judge if other cultures are practicing deviant acts? You may want to bring in the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
  • If you were visiting these cultures would you be able to participate in acceptable acts there, even if they are not acceptable here? In other words – should we follow the old cliche, “When in Rome…”?


Use these 4 PDF files listed below as your reference from my class to answer this question 2.

Chapter 5 Socialization

Chapter 6 Groups and Organization

Chapter 7 Deviance

Social Groups, Deviance, and Social Control

Question 3

This week we are going to discuss the issues of wealth and poverty.

  • Assuming that we could equally divide all the world’s wealth and assets among everyone, would stratification soon be evident among societies again? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that it is possible to end absolute poverty in the world? Clearly, it is technologically possible because the world already has more than enough food to supply everyone. However, is it politically or culturally possible? Take a stand and explain your position using a sociological viewpoint.

Use one or more of the various sociological perspectives from the readings to support your answers.

Use these 4 PDF files listed below as your reference from my class to answer this question 3.

Stratification and Social Inequalities

Inequality and Poverty in the United States and the World

Chapter 9 Social Stratification in the United States

Chapter 10 Global Inequality