• Use Anderson, Walt, McLaughlin, Angell, and any other readings of your choice to define and discuss the concept and theme of Nationalism in international relations (What is “Nationalism” and why is it relevant in IR?)
• Giving specific examples and details from the film, explain
o to what extent and in what respects does this film exemplify, adopt, or depict this perspective on international relations?
o how does the theoretical perspective shed light on and add meaning to your understanding of the film?
 You must write an essay that is original, organized, clearly written, properly cited, and free of grammatical errors.
 Additional research beyond the course material is permitted but not required; it is expected that the material covered in this class provides a sufficient basis for this assignment. Regardless: any and all sources for this paper must be completely cited using proper citation format. Any standard citation style will do as long as it is applied correctly and consistently.