For this paper, you will choose one of the three options below and compare the works of art to each other.
Consider these questions when discussing the artworks:
How is the figure’s identity or social standing conveyed to the viewer? Is this accomplished through placement, symbols, or his/her interaction with other figures in the scene or the viewer?
What features or characteristics do these works share?
How is the spatial environment represented? Is it two-dimensional or three-dimensional, realistic or fantastic? Include details or examples that defend your choices.
What are the central figures’ social responsibilities and how are they represented? Do they set an example to all members of their society or represent unique roles shared by a certain few?
Here are your options and their illustration numbers in the Miller text:
1. “Altar 4” from La Venta, figure 27 and “Stela 14” from Piedras Negras, figure 186
2. Carved Panel, South Ballcourt from El Tajin, figure 107 and “Petroglyph 1” from Chalcatzingo, figure 38
3. Boa Dancer on a ceramic vessel, figure 202 and female cult figure from Tepantitla (aka Tlaloc painting), figure 91
Papers are to be three to five pages in length and typewritten in a font between 10 and 12, double-spaced with no greater than one-inch margins. If you wish to do further research or use sources , each citation must appear in the MLA format and in footnotes or on a “Works Cited” page.