1. How might we characterize the 21st-century environment?

2. What metaphor would you use to characterize the 21st-century organization? Why?

3. Given your metaphor, what are the implications for leaders and the process of leadership?

4. How does what you have learned about the 21st-century work environment informed your emerging definition of Leadership?

https://academy.nobl.io/gareth-morgan-organizational-metaphors/ https://go-gale-com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/ps/i.do?p=AONE&u=ko_acd_shc&id=GALE%7CA537592903&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/doi/epdf/10.1002/jls.20233 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Through-Their-Own-Words%3A-Towards-a-New-of-Through-Mayer-Sch%C3%B6nberger-Oberlechner/4bb4419f01fcb11448414b069556c6ad1f554bcd?p2df to access these websites this is the user name and password if you need it: user name: JABEENS and password: SKmet211# Assignment Details and Outline This assignment is a reflective essay and is to be written in the first-person. The use of examples from the literature, as well as personal experience to support one’s claims and assertions, is expected. Maximum 1000 words (2 pages) in length (not including the in-text citations or reference list) Minimum 12 point font, double spaced lines, 1-inch margins