The student will explore both a “pro” and a “con” position
of an issue as presented in the text. The presentation will be composed of 10 to 12 PowerPoint (or
equivalent) slides. The required number of slides will be meaningful presentation content, and
does not including title pages or references, which are also required. The presentation should be a
minimum of 12 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes in length.
Students will identify the topic he or she wishes to present and notify the instructor in advance.
Additional research (ten scholarly sources) are required to complete the assignment.
1. Summarize the history associated with the topic.
2. Summarize the significant organizational, cultural and or societal practices and norms
involving the situation.
3. Address any relevant theoretical constructs relating to the topic.
4. Identify the significant change agents associated with the topic and his/her contribution to
the resolution of the topic.
The following terminology should be incorporated into the work (where possible):
Social Identity
• Social Construction of Reality
• Dominant Groups/Subordinate Groups
• Group Threat Perception
• Privilege
• Ethnocentricity
• Homogeneity
• Assimilation
• Inequality of Outcomes
• Oppression
• The “Faces” or Tools of Oppression
o Exploitation
o Marginalization
o Powerlessness – removing power from subordinate groups
o Cultural Imperialism – the imposition of dominant group culture on subordinate groups.
o Violence
• Cultural Hegemony
Diversity – Intentional or prescribed recognition, respect for and embracing of differences.
• Inclusion
• Social Justice
o Distributive Justice
o Retributive Justice
o Compensatory Justice
• Organizational Justice
o Procedural Justice
o Interpersonal Justice
o Reactive and Proactive Content and Procedures
• Egalitarianism – Belief in equality for all; an ideal (aspirational), which includes embracing diversity.
• Rawlsian Social Justice
o Principle of Equal Liberty – equal access to most extensive liberties possible in a society.
o Difference Principle – society should benefit the least advantaged citizen and equality of opportunity to offices and positions of power.
• Arguments against Social Justice and Egalitarianism
o Example: Rose (2103), Inequality of outcomes…
o Endorsing equal distribution of opportunity versus equal distribution of resources.