You will now have the opportunity to use a mapping program that is used in the state of Massachusetts. You are going to work your way down to one house and will look at this house as a SWAT team exercise.

As instructed below, you will go to the state’s mapping Web site to see its actual mapping program. You will utilize the state’s mapping to address the questions below. Follow the step-by-step instructions.


Go to
In the center of the web site is the link entitled “Oliver – The MassGIS Online Map Maker
In the upper right hand corner of the map there is a link entitled “Zoom to a Town.” Select the name “Salisbury” from the list.
The map will change with the name “Salisbury” appearing on a white background.
Go to the bottom right hand section of the map entitled “Basemaps” and choose Google 2014 – 2016 Orthoimagery.
Zoom to Beach Rd and Glenwood Ave, find the corner house with a silver vehicle and two structures. Any views of the doors and windows at the residence are not visible from the aerial view. The front of the residence is not visible and it is not clear as to whether or not the residence is two-story.


Conduct an assessment of the residence and the neighborhood. Use the following questions to help you conduct the assessment. Add any questions to this list that you think will help in conducting this assessment.

How many stories does the residence have?
What direction is the residence facing?
Are there any residences located near the target location?
Describe the residences
Where are these residences located?
Describe the location
Does the residence have a fenced backyard?
Are there any odd or unique entities about the backyard worth noting? (Examples are swimming pool, a lot of trash in the yard, vehicles in the yard).
Describe the details.

Once you have completed your assessment, compose a 2 – 3 page narrative that uses the information you compiled in your assessment and that answers the following questions: Questions

If you were heading a SWAT team, in which direction would you advance to get to this house?
Is there a wooded area?
Is there any cover?
Look at the surrounding area. Do you see a place to advance from the rear? Would this type of mapping help you and how?

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab.