you are assigned the following article about yellow fever for Part 4 Discussion of the science of a recent research study on the pathogen or disease it causes:
de Freitas, C. S., Higa, L. M., Sacramento, C. Q., Ferreira, A. C., Reis, P. A., Delvecchio, R., Monteiro, F. L., Barbosa-Lima, G., James Westgarth, H., Vieira, Y. R., Mattos, M., Rocha, N., Hoelz, L., Leme, R., Bastos, M. M., Rodrigues, G., Lopes, C., Queiroz-Junior, C. M., Lima, C. X., Costa, V. V., … Souza, T. (2019). Yellow fever virus is susceptible to sofosbuvir both in vitro and in vivo. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 13(1), e0007072. Free copy in PubMed
Include the following in your discussion for Part 4.
I. Rationale: There is highly effective vaccine for yellow fever however each year the disease kills tens of thousands of people. In a paragraph to introduce your summary of the article briefly explain the reason the scientists investigated the effect of sofosbuvir on yellow fever (see Author Summary and paragraphs 3 & 5 in Introduction).
II. Include in your summary for Part 4a:
a. Describe the purpose of the overall study. In the study the scientists performed several different experiments. You will focus on the experiment in neonatal mice (3 days old) for the next sections (see Sofosbuvir enhances survival of YFV-infected mice & Figure 6).
b. Neonatal mouse experiment: As per the instructions for 4a in What to Include in Your Report state the independent and dependent variables and at least one controlled variable and explain as related to their definitions and purpose in a study or experiment. State the control group(s) and the type of (positive or negative and explain how they are used as controls in the experiment.
III. Include in your summary for Part 4b
a. Approach (Experimental Design) – Neonatal mouse experiments
– In a flow chart outline the experimental design for the neonatal mouse experiment in Figures 6A & 7A. The purpose is to help someone not reading the scientific article know what was done and to follow your discussion and summary of the study.
b. Results – Mouse Experiment
– In a table summarize the results of the neonatal mouse experiments. Describe what the results show.
​Omit the materials and methods and results for the other experiments
IV. Parts 4c, 4d, and 4e as per the instructions for “What to Include in Your Report”.
V. Some terms to explain include: wild type virus strains, PFU, prophylactic treatment