Find at least three independent sources of information relating to description of the events/crimes. You may use the links above or Wikipedia as a starting point, but Wikipedia is not recognized as a legitimate source as anyone with access can change the information provided. Note that newspapers are often affiliated (e.g. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald) and share stories. If possible, obtain information from ‘official’ sources such as Court records.
A minimum of six (6) valid academic references is also required.
Use a Title and subheadings, including Introduction and Conclusion.
Provide information on the people charged/convicted or associated with the crime(s), including name (if available), age, gender, nationality, occupation, etc.
Provide information on jurisdiction(s) and the crimes/charges. Use the legal definitions and cite the relevant Legislation/Statutes. State whether the accused were convicted and sentencing details.
Provide information on policing involvement and co-operation, including local, national, international and non-government agencies.
Provide a description of events leading up to the arrest of suspects/accused.
Is for Transnational Crime Unit in Criminology