Question 1
Is the expression x3•x3•x3 equivalent to x3•3•3? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.
Question 2
Rewrite in simplest radical form 1x−36. Show each step of your process.
Question 3
Rewrite in simplest rational exponent form x • x4. Show each step of your process.
Question 4
Rewrite in simplest radical form x56x16. Show each step of your process.
Question 5
Which of the following expressions are equivalent? Justify your reasoning.
Individual Rubric (10 points possible)
Category Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Mathematical Reasoning All questions were answered completely with required supporting evidence and work.
(5 points) Most questions were answered completely with required supporting evidence and work.
(4–3 points) Some questions were answered completely with required supporting evidence and work.
(2 points) Few questions were answered completely with required supporting evidence and work.
(1 point)
Accuracy All questions were answered correctly.
(5 points) Most questions were answered correctly.
(4–3 points) Some questions were answered correctly.
(2 points) Few questions were answered correctly.
(1 point)