Think of something you believe is true. Again, since this is a discussion post that lacks tone, body language, etc., let us avoid politics for now. Pick something like “chicken soup will help a cold” or “sunscreen is beneficial when going out in the sun”. Try to find an article that refutes your claim and then do the following:

1) Provide a link to the article.

2) State briefly whether or not the article seems to be credible (use those CRAP$ skills again).

3) State whether or not the article has changed your mind about your belief.

4) State why it is important to look for resources that refute your claims or beliefs when completing school work.

Your original post must be at least 300 words. Please make sure to use complete sentences and ensure that your post is free from grammatical and punctuation errors. Be sure to reply to at least two of your classmate’s posts. Please respond with something insightful (something beyond “I agree”…or “I like your post”). You can receive up to 12 points for your initial post and 4 points for each one of your responses (20 points possible). ALWAYS be respectful. It is okay to disagree as long as you do so respectfully.