This summer in the midst of the pandemic, a number of racial incidents exposed the deeply rooted and systemic anti-Black and racist attitudes prevalent in the United States. This social reckoning made visible the various forms of racism. While people often think about racism only as an interpersonal experience (i.e., between individuals), racism can take many forms, including institutional racism.
Institutional racism is the systematic uneven distribution of resources and opportunities based on race and/or ethnicity. Institutional racism is negatively associated with disparities across multiple areas, such criminal justice, income and wealth, housing, education, and healthcare.
Read though the brief report of a study conducted by two non-profit organizations. In 500-word essay summarize the main findings with respect to the effects of racism on prenatal and perinatal outcomes, discuss in relation to what you have learned about environmental influences and prenatal health (Chapter 3). Finally, of the solutions the authors provide, which do you think is the most important and why?