We all know that regular Physical Activity (PA) improves physical fitness and contributes to high-quality life. It contributes to longer life (lifespan) free of preventable diseases and injuries. PA is also one of the significant contributors to disease/ illness treatment. This assignment is aimed to provide students the knowledge and skills that will allow them to make informed decisions about healthy lifestyle choices, physical wellness, and physical fitness development. Students will learn few well known and beneficial body weight exercises in which multiple muscle groups are used. These exercises can be done in the comfort of their own home as well as in the gym.

Students will be divided into groups of 5 or 6 people depending on the total number of students in each class.

Purpose of Assignment

  • Group Presentation assignment aimed to:
    • Provide students with the knowledge and skills to make informed physical activity choices.
    • Develop student’s physical wellness and physical fitness development.
    • Learn well known body weight exercises in which multiple muscle groups are used, including:
      • Body Weight Squats
      • Push – Ups
      • Stationary Lunges (Split Squats)
      • Burpees
      • The Plank

Assignment Format & Guidelines: Groups of between 3 – 6 people

PART 1: 15 minutes PowerPoint presentation during class…to include:

  • Title Page Slide
  • Overview of Presentation
  • Introduction: What is the exercise? What muscles and joints are used?  (Which body parts are used?)
  • Proper Technique: Explain how we are to perform the “general” exercise.
  • Progressions of the Exercise: Explain the…
    • Beginner Version
    • Intermediate Version
    • Advanced Version
    • How do you know when you can progress?
  • Explain 3 common mistakes and how you can correct them?
  • What are the advantages and the disadvantages (contraindications) of the exercise?
  • Summary Slide (Conclusion)
  • References Slide (including “in-presentation” citations)
  • Provide full name and ID at the end of each answer

PART 2: Submitted PDF version of PowerPoint presentation into Blackboard

Make sure punctuation, spelling and capitalization are correct. Write this report in your own words.

All students are asked to prepare one slide for the assigned question which you prepared and submitted in the assignment. This will be group presentation with maximum of six slides (one slide for each question). You are expected to use images to explain your answer. In addition, you also need to add references to justify your work.

Plagiarism Policy:

All writing must be student’s own.  The presentation will be scanned through anti-plagiarism software.  If material qualifies as plagiarizing (greater than 30% of the content), then the student will receive a mark of 0. If there is plagiarism for specific sections only…then the student will earn a 0 for that section. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO PROPERLY CITE REFERENCES!!!!

Late Policy:

ANY submissions on Blackboard beyond the due date will receive mark deductions. You will lose 10% for every day that it is late, up to 10 days.  After which you will receive a 0.