Using the Johnson text, you will first begin by skimming the article examining the various tables the author provides (for example, table 10.1 on the use of public funds for private education ). Once you have reviewed each of the available tables, select one table/topic on which you would like to focus. After selecting one, read through the entire section that corresponds with that table’s topic. Once you’ve done that, you’ll select one specific case on which to focus and you will need to utilize at least two additional sources beyond Johnson to better understand the case you’ve chosen.
Alexander and Alexander (2011) and LaMorte (2002) are two resources you can draw from, but you can also use other sources.
You may search for news stories that reference this case/law, but limit that to only one of the two sources.
Once you have your data collected, prepare a video with the following information:
Who brought the case, who fought the case?
Where and when was this case taking place?
What were the legal issues being discussed?
Why is/was this case important?
How was this case decided/resolved?
So What? What does this mean for education today? What impact has this case had on education?