All answers should be in paragraph form with clear citations (the author, title, page number, etc). You must cite both primary and secondary readings to answer each question. If you give no citations in an answer, you will not receive full points for it no matter how good your answer is. These questions ask you to do two things:

1. identify and explain claims made in the required and recommended readings for this class and during the lectures

2. Critically evaluate these claims using your own thinking and reasoning.Please make sure each of the 5 questions is answered in 1/2 or 1 page length answers.

1. What does West mean by the idea of the normative gaze? Why does he call his investigation into the normative gaze a ‘genealogy’? Explain the significance of a genealogy. Do you agree with West’s view? Explain your answer in detail.

2. Vitoria argues that “American Indians” are fully human and have the same natural rights as all humans. However, he still develops an argument that justifies colonialism. Explain Vitoria’s argument and how you would argue against it. Provide as much detail as you can.

3. How does this philosopher Jefferson contribute to the normative gaze of white supremacy? Explain your answer in detail.

4. No question

5. What is new about Blumenbach’s classification of races? How does Gould think this fundamentally changes the geometry of race? Do you agree with Gould? Explain your answer.

6. No question.

7. Choose one of the following: Gobineau, Darwin, or Galton. Explain this philosopher’s contribution to ‘social Darwinism’ and scientific racism. Explain your answer in detail.