4These post must not be combined. Cite sources in APA format.

Post 1-What key advocacy issue provides a focus for your energy and professional passion?  Throughout this course, you have had opportunities to explore and develop as a leader. An important aspect of this journey has included exploration of advocacy issues that stir your passions. In these remaining weeks of the course, you will refine and further develop your advocacy interest into an advocacy action plan.

To prepare:

Consider the advocacy topic you have selected and why this is such an important topic within the field of early childhood education. Think about the following questions:

  • What is it about this topic that stirs your professional passion? Family Engagement and promoting family involvement.
  • Who does your topic influence?
  • Why should this topic be of interest to others?
  1. Post 2. -Policy, Practical Wisdom, and Courage

Think about different types of factors that influence your advocacy topic, including policy, guidelines, and regulations. Carefully reflect on how the context provides both opportunity and constraints. Also, consider levers—such as policy—as well as your own practical wisdom and courage. Keep these factors in mind as you complete the following Discussion.

To prepare:

Consider factors that influence your advocacy topic, including policy, guidelines, and regulations. Carefully reflect on how the context provides both opportunity and constraints. Also, consider levers—such as policy—as well as your own practical wisdom and courage. Keep these factors in mind as you complete the Discussion.

By Day 4 of Week 8

Post an analysis of the issues of policy and practical wisdom as presented by Bruno, Fromberg, Robinson, and Schwartz in this module’s media pieces. How do these ideas and presentations influence your perceptions of the common good as related to early childhood, education, and schooling? In each of the presentations, it takes courage to address the needs identified. Within your post, consider and comment on what it means to exhibit courage. Specifically, how might courage help early childhood leaders to create and manage change?
