1.What is the current organizational structure of the organization you are using for your class project? What would you recommend as an ideal structure going forward, either during the growth or downsizing period you outlined above?

2.Keeping in mind the information about management styles in this week’s readings and described in Chapter 9 from Richard Daft’s Book from Week 1, describe the current or possible management style of your selected organization. Then suggest how this style might change during future phases in order for the company to succeed, describing how the organizational structure might evolve through organizational lifecycle. Also offer some recommendations on how the management style of your company might change in order to transition successfully into a new phase of development. (SLO 1, 2, 3, 4)

3.Imagine you have been hired as a HR consultant to advise the organization you are reviewing in your final project on what type of HR structure and competencies they will need during the next five years. (SLO 1, 2, 3)

What is the current Human Resources Department structure of the organization you are using for your class project?
What do you think the HR priorities should be during each year
What should be some key organizational objectives supported by the HR function and role?
What would you recommend as an ideal HR structure going forward?

The organization choose for the class project is Phoneix health and well-being studio

Please answer each question and mark the question out. The discussion do not need in essay form