The Grapes of Wrath Writing Assignment
History 121

John Steinbeck gives a graphic representation of the events of the Great Depression and its effects upon one family. In American history, the “Okie” is emblematic of the displaced rural poor and farm workers who sought new opportunities in the agricultural districts of California. The Joad family, Steinbeck’s fictitious Okies, face many trials in their journey to California. Along the way, we watch Tom Joad, the central protagonist, undergo a change in his attitudes towards the people he encounters and how to deal with the constant stream of problems that his family encounters.

For this paper, you will discuss Tom Joad’s attitudes about the Great Depression as illustrated by Steinbeck. What issues face the Joads in their journey to California? How does Tom feel about helping others? Does his attitude change as the journey, and the book, progresses? What does Tom see as the answer to the problems that his family and those like them face on a constant basis during this period? If he has a change in attitude, what acts as the inspiration for this change? What does Tom ultimately choose to do in order to attempt to improve the situation his family faces, as well as the situation facing those around him?

Your paper will be three to five pages in length. It will be in 12 point Times New Roman font with one inch page margins. You will insert a page number in the lower right hand corner of your page. This is not a book report; you will need to establish a thesis for your paper and support it through out your work with evidence. Quotes are effective, but short quotes are the best to use. Make sure that you cite your quotes using parenthetical citations (Welch, 25). Avoid using block quotes; they may kill a lot of space, but they also take room that you can use to make your point.