This is an open book, non-proctored, and non-timed examination. Material covered in this examination comes from your reading assignments for the first four weeks of this class. You must make connections to and properly cite the textbook in each of your answers. Answers must be paraphrased (restated in your own words with no quoting permitted), properly source credited, using APA formatting requirements –including within-answer citations and a list of references included at the end of each answer –and at least 600 words each, not counting source citations and references. Answers should be succinct, thorough, articulated in well-organized paragraphs (lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted), and more substantive than just definitions of terms, procedures, or issues. To complete this exam, save a copy of it on your hard drive, construct your answers below each question on a separate page per question, attach a cover page to the front and a reference list to the end (references must also be placed at the end of each question for which they were used) and upload it under theMidterm Exam assignment tab. NOTE: Answers copy/pasted into a student comments box attached to the assignment tab cannot be graded; a Word document or Rich-Text File formatted as instructed above must be uploaded. On submission your work will auto-run through’s plagiarism checker software. The deadline for submitting this exam is Sunday at 11:55 pm Eastern Time, the end of WEEK 4 of the course. Questions: 1.Psychologicalabnormalitymayincludeconcernswithconceptssuchasdeviance,distress, dysfunction, and danger. First, briefly explain what each term means from your perspective in the context of psychopathology. Then, for each term, provide a specific example of when it (e.g., distress) would be considered “normal” and, separately, an example of when it would be considered “abnormal.” Finally, explain why it is important to understand this distinction
2.YournephewistakingIntrotoPsychasahighschoolseniorandisconfusedaboutwhichof the theoretical models is “best” at explaining abnormality. Describe for him, in no more than 100 words per model and using terms he (as a layperson) can understand, at least three models of abnormality. Then, briefly answer his question –which model do you think is best and why? Be sure to support your answerwith reference material.3.Answer both parts of this question. Imagine you are an intake clinician at a community mental health clinic: a. Ifyouhad30minutestoconductapreliminaryclinicalinterview,whatinformationwould you be sure to try to get, and why? Be sure to support your answer using the reading materials in the course. b. You’vebeentaskedtogivealecturetonewclientsexplainingtheformatandmajor characteristics of DSM-5. What are the main points you want to be sure to cover? 4.ForEACHofthefollowingdisorders,characterizethreespecificfactorsyoubelievearemost important for a basic understanding of them. Be sure to justify your choices using only about 100-150 words for each: 1.GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder 2.PanicDisorder 3.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 4.Post-TraumaticStressDisorder 5.SomaticSymptomDisorder 6.Major Depressive Disorder 7.BipolarDisorder 5.Discussthevariablesfoundintheresearchthathavebeenfoundtocorrelatewithan increased risk for suicidal ideation, attempts and completion. What types of psychopathology have been associated with an increased risk for suicide? Why might that be the case?