407.3 Translate clinical outcome data into graphical representations

After collecting the data, the next step in data analysis is to take data and translate it into actionable information. One way to do this is to create a data visualization to present the data in an easy to understand form.


Follow the directions below for gathering, analyzing, visualizing and summarizing the data to be presented to the Executive Management team of a hospital in the form of an Executive Summary. You will submit both an excel sheet with the visualizations, and a Word Doc with the Steps 1-4 to create your Executive Summary. Together, the visualizations and Executive Summary should inform Executive Management about factors that contribute to opioid data.

Steps to Create an Executive Summary:

Step 1: Gather Data

  1. Download Prescriber Level Opioid Rates Years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (download as CSV for Excel)
  2. Download Opioid Map Data: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (download as CSV for Excel)
  3. This section should include where you obtained the data and the details about the data sources you are using.

Step 2: Analyze Data

  1. Identify 3 providers from 3 different states with data in at least 2 years in the two data sets listed above.
  2. Import the data into a new Excel Sheet.
  3. Name the new file: Student Name_407.3_yyyymmdd
  4. Students will create data visualizations from this new data set

Step 3: Create Data Visualizations

Use the Excel tutorials in your resources to guide you through the process of developing the following visualizations:

  1. Create a bar graph with data for all three providers showing:
    1. Prescribing trends year over year (2013-2016) for each provider.
    2. Turn in the data table and the visualization.
  2. For the reporting year 2016 in the Opioid Map Data:
    1. Create a pie chart showing what part of Part D Prescribers are Part D Opioid Prescribers across all states.
    2. Using the providers identified in Step 2.1. and using the 2016 County file in the Opioid Map Data and the 2016 Prescriber Level Opioid Rate files create a pie chart showing the percentage each provider contributed to the overall opioid prescriptions in their county. Students will need to examine and draw from various data files to tie providers to counties.
  3. Export the visualizations so that you can incorporate them into the Word Doc described in Step 4.

Step 4: Report Findings and Recommendation to Executive Management

  1. What would your recommendation to management be based on what you found in the data? Drawing from the data manipulations and data visualizations created in Steps 1-3, create an Executive Summary in a Word Doc. Insert your visualizations where needed to support your recommendation, and tailor the summary for Executive Management using the providers and location data as a benchmark.

Submit the Word Doc containing the Executive Summary, Recommendation and Visualizations.