(1a)Which values should one extol, cherish, apply, or seek in one’slives—those of Pericles’ honor, courage, and freedomorthose of Plato—justice, courage, wisdom, and temperance? WHY? (1b)Which ones would lead to becoming a bettercitizen? And WHY?(1c)Which ones would lead to a more ‘flourishing’ (or better)state(country) And WHY?(1d)Which ones

would lead to becoming a better ruler, king, or president (today)? And WHY?

(1e)Explain if these qualities shouldbe taught by the state? WHYor WHY not? (1e2)If so, then what should be the state’s role in enhancing the citizen’s quality of life? Explain your answers fully and if possible, use examples and quotes from the textfor all sub-questions.

②(2a)Compare the political thought ofpowerbetweenPericles(in his ‘Funeral Oration’) andPlato(in his ‘Republic’)? Explain this in detail. (2b)Which one wouldyou agree withand WHY?

(2c)Make sure you explain where power comes from AND how is this power projected onto its citizens.(2d)Which of the two versions of powershould a state (country) followor can it more successfully in applyingto international affairs today and WHY?Explain your answers fully and if possible, use examples and quotes from the textfor all sub-questions.Maroon denotes an elaboration.Red a subtle change.

③(3a)Explain the differences between Plato and Aristotle over the concepts of: i) governance, ii)theattributes of the polis, and iii) the power of the state. Give examples from the text. Explain in your own words.

(3b)How and what group shouldgovern the masses? (3c)Does a diverse or united polity make a difference for the betterment of the state?

(3d)Where shouldthe power of thestate reside in—society (the political community), economics, or politics and why?Explain your answers fully and if possible, use examples and quotes from the textfor all sub-questions.

④(4a)Explain the nature of wisdomand courage(for this question ONLY)in a stateaccording to Socrates in Plato’s ‘Republic.’Give examples from the text. Explain in your own words.

(4b)Which one shoulda state (country) have and WHY? (4c)Shouldall thesequalities (temperance and justicein addition towisdom and courage),or only certain ones,reside in ‘guardians’ or in more contemporary times—in our politicians and leaders?If not all, which ones?

(4d)Explain WHY you believe all or only some are necessary for today’s leaders?Explain your answers fully and if possible, use examples and quotes from the textfor all sub-questions.

⑤(5a) First, define whatAristotleimplies as the ‘best form’ of government. Also, explain theprinciples that are the basis ofthisbestform of government. Second, (5b) if these principles hold true,

[5b1] are citizens responsible forupholding these?

[5b2] Or is it the state’s responsibility to ensure these principlesforits citizens? WHYor WHYnot? (Even if you disagree about Aristotle’s best form of government,you should still be able to answer 5b1 and 5b2) (5c)Does good government requireobedience by its citizens and ‘goodness of laws’or as Diodotus stated only ‘good administration’? Both? Explainyour answer fully.(5d)Finally, what would you preferas the best type of government and what principles would you useto support this government? Explain your answers fully and if possible, use examples and quotes from the textfor all sub-questions.*Notice the difference between questions1dand4c. Question 1d asks which ones (in realist terms) help a leader and impliesthe explanation of both Pericles’ and Plato’s qualities.

Question 3c asks which onesoughtorshouldreside(in idealist terms) in our leaders of today AND only asks of those spoken bySocrates in Plato’sRepublic