American Heart Association is the non profit I chose
I. Introduction: Provide the name of the not-for-profit organization on which you have chosen to perform your strategic analysis. Explain your interest in
this particular not-for-profit organization and your rationale for selecting it for your final project.
II. Mission: Why does this not-for-profit organization exist? Who does it serve? What is its formal mission statement?
III. History: Provide a history of the not-for-profit organization. When was it founded? By whom was it founded? How long has it been in existence? What
are some milestones related to its growth?
IV. Current Position: How many offices and locations does the not-for-profit organization serve? What is the profile of the people it serves? What is the
nature of the cause it was created to support?
Guidelines for Submission: Submit a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (not including the title page or references). It should be double spaced with 12-point
Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting.