Professional Practice Scholarly Paper
Purpose: To write a 7-8-page paper about a nursing practice issue and how the professional nursing role approaches the identified issue to analyzing and problem solve. This paper should demonstrate an understanding of professional role concepts. Academic writing style and APA format is expected.
This paper is an incremental assignment. Each increment building on each other. After instructor approval of topic, the student will turn in an Outline, thesis development, discussion/ implications for nursing practice, and conclusion for their Scholarly Paper. Lastly, the final paper will be turned in via turnitin. Scholarly articles that you choose must be less than or equal to five years old be Classical articles are naturally exempt (for example, Notes on Nursing by Florence Nightingale).
Articles based on research conducted in non-English-speaking countries may not be applicable for your paper because issues are different in other cultural contexts; for example, healthcare systems and the socioeconomic background may be different from the US, and this reduces the probability of transferability and generalizability. Write an introductory paragraph for your paper; this paragraph must also include your thesis/purpose statement. Altogether, this should not exceed half a page, double-spaced.
Due dates :
Introduction and thesis statement: 10/11/20 thesis statement must begin with (The purpose of this paper…)
Outline and reference page 10/25
Discussion/Implications 11/8
Paper completion by 12/10