• If assignment is not submitted on date, will follow with penalty of 10% deduction of marks for every
  • Similarity between students work is strictly not accepted, any student found with similar work will be graded Zero and fail for the course. However, Plagiarism is an academic offence and will not be
  • Any re evaluation request should come in one week of grade Any late request will not be obliged. (Form and other details shall be shared based on request)
  • Any rescheduling request should come and fulfilled within two months after the actual date of the assessment. Any late request will not be
  • Assignment once submitted to exam board is final for marking. Total 90 marks. 10 Marks for Class


  1. If assignment is Question & Answer based
    • Introduction is needed for each
    • Question has to be answered based on the mark allotted for each question with references if any idea or information is taken from other
  1. If assignment is case based then,
    • Executive summary
    • Table of content
    • Introduction
    • Body of assignment (questions related to case need to be answered)
    • Conclusion / Recommendation if any
    • References (in-text + citation) to be

TOtal Marks               / 90


Plagiarism is a form of cheating, by representing someone else’s work as your own or using someone else’s work (another student or author) without acknowledging it with a reference. This is a serious breach of the Academic Regulations and will be dealt with accordingly. Students found to have plagiarised can be excluded from the program.

Plagiarism occurs whenever you do any of the following things without acknowledging the original source:

  • Copy information from any source (including the study guide, books, newspapers, the internet)
  • Use another person’s concepts or ideas
  • Summarise or paraphrase another person’s

To ensure you are not plagiarising, you must acknowledge with a reference whenever you:

  • use another person’s ideas, opinions or theory
  • include any statistics, graphs or images that have been compiled or created by another person or organization
  • Paraphrase another’s written or spokenword.

What are the penalties?

The penalties for plagiarism are:

  • Deduction of marks,
  • A mark of zero for the assignment or the unit, or
  • Exclusion from the

Plagiarism is dealt with on a case-by-case basis and the penalties will reflect the seriousness of the breach.

Please note claiming that you were not aware of need to reference is no excuse.

Answer all the questions. Each question carries 10 Marks.

  • Write a report to reflect your views on how can an organization achieve its strategic goals with the right support from its Human Resource department. Your report should include Introduction, Discussion on areas where HR can make a difference for achievement of business objectives, Conclusion & References. (Consider your own organization for this assignment or any other organization you have worked in the past).
  • What is “Job Analysis”, explain how does it impact the various components / areas in Human Resource and Employee Lifecycle?
  • Human Resource function is under a great deal of stress during the recent COVID-19 Pandemic. What Social Media policies do you seem “Fit for Purpose” under current circumstances of Post Pandemic situation faced by Human Resource department?
  • If you are one of the members of the HR Management Team, what will be your recommendations for the up-coming Board Meeting during COVID-19
  • What are different HR Structural Alternatives and how effectiveness and optimization in People Management relates to choices in various structural
  • Write a note on Larry Griener’s Model and apply it on your organization. Explain how it helps towards realigning and refocusing the people related objectives in your
  • Why organizations must consider CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as a strategic alternative? Select an organization and analyze the strategic intent of the selected organization by using the CSR six stage
  1. Case Study:

In the past, the decision criteria for mergers and acquisitions were typically based on considerations such as the strategic fit of the merged organizations, financial criteria, and operational criteria. Mergers and acquisitions were often conducted without much regard for the human resource issues that would be faced when the organizations were joined. As a result, several undesirable effects on the organizations’ human resources commonly occurred. Nonetheless, competitive conditions favor mergers and acquisitions and they remain a frequent occurrence. Examples of mergers among some of the largest companies include the following: Honeywell and Allied Signal, British Petroleum and Amoco, Exxon and Mobil, Lockheed and Martin, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, SBC and Pacific Telesis, America Online and Time Warner, Burlington Northern and Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, Daimler-Benz and Chrysler, Ford and Volvo, and Bank of America and Nations Bank.

Layoffs often accompany mergers or acquisitions, particularly if the two organizations are from the same industry. In addition to layoffs related to redundancies, top managers of acquiring firms may terminate some competent employees because they do not fit in with the new culture of the merged organization or because their loyalty to the new management may be suspect. The desire for a good fit with the cultural objectives of the new organization and loyalty are understandable. However, the depletion of the stock of human resources deserves serious

consideration, just as with physical resources. Unfortunately, the way that mergers and acquisitions have been carried out has often conveyed a lack of concern for human resources.

The cumulative effects of these developments often cause employee morale and loyalty to decline, and feelings of betrayal may develop. Nonetheless, such adverse consequences are not inevitable. A few companies, such as Cisco Systems, which has made over 50 acquisitions (https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/corporate-strategy-office/acquisitions/acquisitions-list- years.html), are very adept in handling the human resource issues associated with these actions. An example of one of Cisco’s practices is illustrative. At Cisco Systems, no one from an acquired firm is laid off without the personal approval of Cisco’s CEO as well as the CEO of the firm that was acquired.


  1. Investigate the approach that Cisco Systems has used in its many successful acquisitions. What are some of the human resource practices that have made its acquisitions successful?
  2. Do a research on what is different about Cisco Systems in comparison to other organizations in terms of handling employees ?