Write an 800 word paper on a socioeconomics- or consumerism-related topic of your choosing.   Use THREE non-website secondary sources (Either Business Source Complete or Academic Search Complete databases available through Galileo are likely your most convenient means of locating appropriate sources).

Approaches you might take to this paper might include, but are not limited to: 1) providing factual information about a course-related issue analyzing, showing relationships, and demonstrating with examples, facts, illustrations, data, or other information, or 2) explaining the history and/or causes of a particular trend, event, or other phenomenon having to do with class or consumerism. Regardless of your approach, remember to acknowledge counterarguments (opposing views, which will likely be alternative explanations). Should you have any questions about the appropriateness of your topic or need further guidelines for organization, etc., be sure to contact me.

Make sure your introduction contains a single-sentence thesis statement that provides an essay map that sets up the general organization of your essay’s body paragraphs. Be sure to check for Kiss of Death words. See the rubric for Essay #2 for the specifications for this assignment.

Format your paper and cite all your sources in MLA style. Additionally, please be sure

to consult the handout titled “Citation Checklist,” also posted in the Brightspace

(D2L) folder for Essay 2. Please see me if you have any questions about documentation.

Additionally, you must either upload PDFs of all sources along with your essay in the dropbox or provide print-outs of them.

Your essay will graded according to the guidelines on the posted rubric.