ON THE FIRST PAGE – abstract/informative summary for the Gettler reading. Abstracts should be a single paragraph and provide a very concise overview of the reading, including primary arguments and supports. An abstract should not include your response or reaction, but only the ideas presented in the original source.
ON THE SECOND PAGE – write an explanatory summary of the Gettler reading, not to exceed one double-spaced page. An explanatory summary should be in three sections (these may or may not be paragraphs). There will be an opening section with introduces the topic, author and credentials, and your own thesis – likely a paraphrase of the article’s own thesis. The body presents the major findings of the article in your own words. Unlike the abstract, you will also make reference to the author and how he organizes and presents his ideas. Finally, in a last statement, you will summarize the author’s final thesis. You do not include a traditional conclusion in your own voice.