Prep work for explanatory synthesis paper

These exercises will help you to come up with ideas for this paper.

  1. Write down what you know about the coronavirus
  2. Watch this video about the virus:

What did you already know?

  1. Think of last year and what you were doing, think of today and what you are doing. How has life changed?

These are just some areas:








Social distancing



Explanatory synthesis assignment.

You are to write an explanatory synthesis (“an explanatory synthesis helps readers understand a topic. Writers explain when they divide a subject into its component parts and present then in a clear and orderly fashion.”  Behrens).

Write a well developed (introduction, developing paragraphs and conclusion) explanatory paper that  explains to someone who has been in a coma for a year and just woke up (or an alien)  how life has changed because of the coronavirus. You are not giving your opinion, you are just explaining the aspects of life that have changed.

You must use at least 4 sources within the text of the paper and include a works cited/bibliography page. Please consult the ENL 213 Library website for style, if you are unsure,

These are some possible sources, you do not have to use these:

The final draft will be submitted on  October 12/13, on BB

Explanatory synthesis rubric

______/10   Introduction  -thesis something like life has changed in many ways since the coronavirus /in the pandemic.

______/40   Content – you have covered the main aspects of his life as we discussed in class.

Most of this should be “common knowledge” supported in a few places by sourced material  ,Successfully explained how life has changed in some of the major areas of our lives.

______/10   Conclusion- bring it to an end. Will it continue? Continue to change? Will it get better? Will we go back to “normal”? etc.

______/16   4 sources (used correctly and accurately, correct citation style)  1-2-3

You introduce the source, use it then show that you are finished with the outside source. This signals to the reader that anything you write before or after is yours- your original thoughts and words.

______/4    Works cited page- alphabetical order of the sources, check the library website on how to do a works cited page, bibliography or  references

______/20   Readability (grammar, sentence structure, makes sense)

Transitions, no basic grammar mistakes, sentences are clear
