sing the Excel file STAT Assignment Data in the Stat Assignment folder in Blackboard, you will see a list of 200 values in column A. You will want to sort the values in column A by choosing the Data tab at the top and then sort the data in increasing order. These values were randomly generated from a Normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20. You will also see the Descriptive Statistics from this data starting in cell C1.1) Using the mean and standard deviation from the Descriptive Statistics, calculate the interval in which about 68% of the data should lie according to the Empirical Rule.2) From the sorted column A, find the percentage of data that actually lie in your interval calculated in 1) by counting the number of values that fit in your interval and dividing by 200.3) Using the mean and standard deviation from the Descriptive Statistics, calculate the interval in which about 95% of the data should lie according to the Empirical Rule.

4) From the sorted column A, find the percentage of data that actually lie (without rounding) in your interval calculated in 3) by counting the number of values that fit in your interval and dividing by 200.5) Using the mean and standard deviation from the Descriptive Statistics, calculate the interval in which about 99.7% of the data should lie according to the EmpiricalRule