
The purpose of this assignment is for students to view videos of applied situations or scenarios and analyze the videos based on their knowledge of the concepts and principles of ABA learned throughout the course. Video scenarios are included in Units 2, 4, 6, and 8 asynchronous content. During Unit 2, the instructor will discuss the assignment and expectations using the Unit 2 scenario during the synchronous session with an example of a written analysis. Students must submit a brief Written Analysis during Units 4, 6, and 8. Finally, a video recording of the student providing an oral analysis presentation will be uploaded by the end of the course (Unit 11) on one of the scenario write-ups for a final grade. Any of the scenarios in which the student has received instructor feedback can be used for the oral analysis.


Written Analyses: Prior to the synchronous session on weeks 4, 6, and 8, students will view a set of brief videos depicting people interacting. Students will analyze the videos by choosing one individual and identifying important environment-behavior relations and important behavioral principles involved in the scenario. Students will submit a written document, no longer than 3 pages double spaced in the following format:

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce the scenario by describing the setting, people involved, and behaviors observed. (3-4 sentences)
  2. Target behavior/primary subject: Identify the person and/or behavior that you have selected to analyze. Videos may have multiple people or may have multiple people exhibiting many behaviors, so you will need to choose one person and one behavior to analyze in each video. (3-4 sentences)
  3. Analysis: Describe the observed environmental stimuli (e.g., antecedents, consequences, motivational variables, setting events, etc.) that appear to be controlling the individual’s responding in some way. (1-2 paragraphs)
  4. Behavioral Principles: Identify key behavioral principles in each scenario to complete your analysis (e.g., respondent or operant behavior, reinforcement, extinction, blocking, punishment, motivating operations, etc.). (1-2 paragraphs)

Oral Analysis: Each student will choose one of the four videos for oral analysis by recording themselves analyzing the video scenarios. Prepare this as you would an oral presentation covering each area listed above under written analysis. The oral analysis will be graded as follows:

  1. Completion: All areas above are discussed (5 points)
  2. Use of technical language throughout and accuracy in description of technical terms (5 points)
  3. Incorporation of feedback (5 points)
  4. Delivery (5 points


Each written analysis will receive up to 20 points for completion (see rubrics below for a breakdown of points). Assignments are due prior to the synchronous session on the weeks they are assigned (Unit 4, 6, 8, and 11). LATE ASSIGNEMNTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL RECEIVE A ZERO (0).

  • 3 written analyses equaling 60 points
  • 1 oral analysis equaling 20 points
    • TOTAL: 80 points