Assignment Details

Essay Persuasive (A Minimum Wage that doesn’t not Cover Current Costs of Living.)

Description:  For your final essay, I would like you to think about a problem that impacts you on a daily basis. This could be an issue that you encounter through your job, or in your individual community.

TOPIC: A Minimum Wage that doesn’t not Cover Current Costs of Living. Then, you must argue for a particular change that you would like to occur in order to resolve this problem. Use a combination of both outside sources and your own observations and experiences to develop specific evidence for your argument.


  • Before you begin your essay, you should choose which stance you will take on the topic (i.e., are you for the topic, against it, or some combination of both). Then, develop a strong, specific thesis that argues a specific claim about that topic (i.e., don’t simply argue “I am for ______” or “I am against ______”). Remember that you must argue about a specific change that you want to see happen in order to rectify your issue.
  • To help build the ethos and logos appeals of your argument, you will be required to use at least three sources in your essay. While you may reference sources like personal blogs or Wikipedia in your paper, two of your three sources must be more credible (e.g., articles from magazines, journals, or newspapers; books; government websites, etc.).
  • Consider the audience of your essay. Will your reader be receptive to your argument, or will they be strongly opposed to your claims? Your audience’s reaction to your thesis will determine a number of things in your writing, including structure, tone, and evidence. Also, keep in mind that while recognizing opposing viewpoints certainly lends credibility and ethos to your argument, you don’t want to undermine your own claims.  Give credit and acknowledgement to other opinions, but simultaneously reinforce your own ideas.

Assessment:  Your grade will derive from your abilities to argue successfully your thesis using convincing evidence, specific details and examples, and pertinent outside sources, as well as to organize your thoughts in an effective and logical style to help your reader clearly understand your argument.

Requirements:  You should submit a 1000 word essay, typed and double-spaced.  Use Times New Roman font in 12-pt size.  Format your paper according to MLA guidelines.

Ideas: Demonstrates engagement with the topic, recognizing multiple dimensions and/or perspectives with elaboration and depth; offers considerable insight

Focus/Thesis: Clear, narrow thesis representing full understanding of the assignment

Evidence/Documentation: Evidence is relevant, accurate, complete, well-integrated, well-documented, and appropriate for the purpose of the essay. When called for, uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of ideas. Combines material from a variety of sources. Doesn’t overuse quotations or paraphrases

Organization: Organization is logical and appropriate to assignment; paragraphs are well-developed and appropriately divided; ideas are linked with smooth and effective transitions. Introduction and conclusion are effectively related to the whole

Style/Mechanics: Sentences are structured effectively, powerfully; a rich, well-chosen variety of sentence styles and length is employed; essay is virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization errors

Overall: Essay demonstrates excellent composition skills, including a clear and thought-provoking thesis, appropriate and effective organization, lively and convincing supporting materials, effective diction and sentence skills, and perfect or near-perfect mechanics including spelling and punctuation. The writing perfectly accomplishes the objectives of the assignment