Final Assessment Outline

In this assignment you need to create a playlist to promote your own personal health – either physical or mental health. To do this, you will carefully choose music that suits the purpose of the playlist and draw on concepts and theory covered in lectures to strategically organise the order of songs. Actively listen to the music you choose for your playlist to test that it meets your intended purpose.

Word count:

2000 words – Undergraduate and Honours students

3000 words – Masters students

Introduction (approx. 500 words):

In the introduction, describe your selected purpose for the playlist and summarise key theories about how music could be used to promote the desired outcome. Clearly describe the process you used to create the playlist, stating how you went about selecting the songs and the order.

Assignment body (approx. 1200 words):

In the body of the assignment, list the order of the 10 pieces of music included in the playlist. The songs must be recorded and released pieces of music that your marker could look up and listen to if need be. Discuss your experience of each track and use the literature to explain how it either contributed to your identified health purpose, or how and why it was unsuccessful. Include descriptions of the musical aspects (the beat, style, structure etc) and non-musical aspects (associations, artists, lyrics etc) of the track that are relevant. You must draw on academic literature throughout the assignment to justify your claims about the benefits of music for this purpose. Dedicate approximately 120 words per song and include the song title and reference details as the subheading for each song (these titles are not included in the word count).

Conclusion (approx. 300 words):

In the conclusion, reflect on any potential mental or physical health benefits that may result for others through the construction of a playlist similar to yours, including any ideas you have about the use of music to promote health in the community.

Headings: Use the songs as Headings for the body of the assignment. Please include reference to each song as the subheadings including Track Title, Performing Artist and year of publication, with information about the Composer and Record Company if information is relevant.


  • We recommend APA6 referencing style, however, your references can be in any style as long as they are consistent. As stated in the description, you must include a full reference to the songs you use.
  • All citations included in the body of the assignment must appear in the reference list according to your chosen referencing style.
  • Include a minimum of 6 academic pieces of literature, integrated into the body of the assignment.
  • You may choose to write the assignment in first or third person.
  • The reference list and subheadings are not included in the word limit. In-text citations are included in the word limit.
  • You may choose songs from any genre/style/culture (lyrics in languages other than English is perfectly fine).
  • We allow 10% either side of the word limit for essays. Include the final word count on the front page of your essay.
  • Your document should be in a doc or PDF format, please do not use a ‘pages’ format.