Research and Planning Lahainachiropractor.comis a website about chiropractic services offered by Dr. Brendan Krause, a graduate of Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. The website should attract a range of people from various walks of life who seek chiropractic adjustments and procedures. By partnering with several agencies in the country, the website enables users to find information about Dr. Krause’s institution. The site also lists the benefits of using the institution’s services ranging from low back pain and headaches. Medical insurance information is also provided on the website to guarantee users that they are certified and trusted by various agencies in the medical sector.Web Design PersonasFIRST-TIME CLIENT Daniel McCabe, 40Daniel is a first-time user and has never signed up for chiropractic services and is particular about what he seeks from websites due to previous online platforms’ negative experiences. He has a wife, Mary McCabe, and two children. He works two jobs; a cashier at a local store during the day and a packager during the night at a local factory that processes wheat. Therefore, he is exposed to excessive body engaging-activities and in dire need of chiropractic adjustments. Daniels’ free time is spent with his children in a local park and sometimes at home. He is also very enthusiastic about technology and has a smartphone that he uses to browse articles online but is cynical about social media—he believes that social media sites are addictive.Wants and Needs•A convenient web mobile experience • A healthier life and a relaxed mind Frustrations •He does not trust online transactions •Dislikes not finding answers and having to call for info he needs •He is cynical about unknown professionals FREQUENT INTERNET USER Janet Walters, 35

Janet is a single mother living with her two kids, Mary and Jane. She works as a teacher in a distance county—she drives herself to work and back home. She uses her computer to shop online and is knowledgeable about online transactions. Janet has experience with chiropractic and understands a few aspects of the service. She hires a nanny to take care of her children when they are not at school. Janet likes interacting with her friends on social media and occasionally shops with them. Wants and Needs •Jane wants an online service where she can easily find information about the chiropractor services •She wants affordable and convenient services Frustrations •She does not like impersonal services •She is busy and thus does not like sites where she spends too much time seeking answers FREQUENT INTERNET USER Mark Cortez, 19 Mark is a young athlete and plays basketball for his college team. He is also considering accepting an offer to join a regional team and is concerned about his body’s state. Mark is determined to develop his masculine body and has no idea whether chiropractic adjustments can be helpful. He stays with his dad, who is also his manager—he has to check with him for any activities or medication that may affect his fitness. He is enthusiastic about the internet and online platforms and uses his laptop and smartphone for surfing the internet and social media. Mark’s friends recommended several institutions and experts with online platforms. Wants and Needs •Mark wants a site that recommends and sells options

•He is concerned about his body shape and muscles Frustrations •Mark does not like spending too much time on a website •He dislikes delayed responses for most of the body-building sites he has visit
1. create a sitemap for the chirpractic website. Cannot be a 1-page endless scroll website. All pages of the website need to be on their own page. Consider what the “personas” would want to see as you build the sitemaps. You can create this in a sitemap/wireframing tool or you can build it in Photoshop.
2. create a Use Case Scenario for each of the personas. Make sure you create well thought out scenarios for the three different personas.