The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate the consolidation of your knowledge through the
creation of a nursing focused plan of care that is based on scenarios that are purposefully openended and somewhat vague. In these scenarios, a primary medical diagnoses may be evident
but these patients are also are risk for developing complication and other secondary medical
. While there is no “wrong” answer in identifying a secondary medical
diagnosis/risk(s), these diagnoses should be plausible and well substantiated based on
assessment findings and common complications of either the primary diagnosis or
First, you will thoroughly review the three scenarios presented below.
Second, you will choose one of these scenarios to create a plan of care – make sure to indicate,
on your assignment template which scenario you are using.
Third, you will develop a comprehensive plan of care wherein two evidence informed nursing
interventions are identified.
Fourth, using an SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendations) approach,
you will create a succinct but informative summary that would, in clinical practice, be suited to
communicate with the on-call physician. Your SBAR summary should be directed towards a
priority intervention (based on patient risk) that you have identified. There should be a clear
request to the physician.
Assignment length:
Assignment is 5 pages (Care Plan) + 1 Page SBAR Summary (not including the title page or the reference page). Page requirement met with correct margins, single -spaced, 1 2 -point size used.

Title Page :
Follows 7th edition APA Guidelines for Title Page (student). research_and_citation/apa_s tyle/apa_formatting_and_sty le_guide/ ml

(Title Page contains all parts and correct format. Follows APA Guidelines, 7th edition. No errors).

In-text citations :
References in each of the categories citing references as an “in-text” citation. APA style in-text citations used throughout document with no more than 2 formatting errors.

Reference Page:
Proper citations Reference page contains scholarly academic reference (peer reviewed article), Clinical Practice Guideline and textbook reference. Follows APA guidelines with no more than 2 formatting errors.