SCWK5003 Human Growth and Development

Case Study – Poppy

This case study will require you to critically analyse and discuss how you, as a social worker, would work with and support Poppy at different ‘stages’ in her life. At each of these three ‘stages’ you need to consider:

  1. a) Human growth and development theories (minimum of two different theoretical approaches/models at each age). You will need to critically evaluate your chosen theories in relation to:
  • how they help you understand Poppy’s needs and wishes in order to make an accurate and useful assessment;
  • help you practice in an anti-discriminatory manner.
  1. b) How you would apply these theories within an ecological perspective, taking into account:
  • the socio-economic and cultural context;
  • other factors that may affect Poppy’s individual life course.
  1. c) How research and best practice models inform your choice and evaluation of theoretical approaches:
  • drawing on a wide range of literature, critically evaluate the theories you have chosen,
  • e. analyse (argue) why the application of the chosen theories would be beneficial in supporting Poppy at each age stage. Include consideration of the limitations/critiques of these theories also.

Stage 1 (age 5): Poppy is five years old and has been referred to social services by her school as she is withdrawn and her speech is very difficult to understand. She rarely interacts with the other children and they call her names as she is often dirty and smelly. Poppy often has ‘accidents’ and wets herself. School staff report that Poppy’s mother is very difficult to engage with and is rude to staff when they try and talk to her about her daughter. Poppy has also been seen with bruises to her face at times, which her mother says is because she is ‘clumsy’ and walks into things.

Part B (age 35): At the age of seven, Poppy was removed from her family and placed in foster care. She was assessed as having a mild learning disability. Poppy was disruptive in her foster care placement and her foster carers found her difficult to care for her. Poppy had seven foster care placements and left care at the age of 16. Poppy is now 35 years old. She has been referred to social services as she is pregnant and there are concerns that she will not be able to look after her child adequately. Poppy’s partner does not live with her. He is unsupportive of Poppy and on occasions violent towards her. This is Poppy’s fourth pregnancy, the previous three children all having been taken into care.

Part C (age 68): Poppy has become a heavy drinker and has early onset dementia. She is living in sheltered accommodation and staff report that she is neglecting herself, forgetting to eat, dressing inappropriately for the weather and is becoming aggressive towards her neighbours. Poppy wants to remain living where she is but says she is bullied by her neighbours.