PROJECT 3: ACADEMIC ARGUMENT ESSAYO VE R VIE W :You will take your research and work from projects 1 and 2 (adding to them as necessary) and write an argument for a specific stakeholder. The researched argument essay you write will be 2,000-2,500 words. It is worth 25% of your semester grade.We will use the following timeline for this essay: P UR P OSE :An argumentative essay aims to convince or persuade an audience. It will most likely fall into ONE of the following general categories, depending on the stakeholder audience you choose:•To persuadeundecided stakeholders to accept your thesis. •To persuadeopposing stakeholders to be less resistant to your thesis •To persuade stakeholders who agreewith you to take specific actionA U D IE NCE :The audience for this essay is a specific stakeholder of your choice. The audience you choose and the purpose you want to achieve will be highly influenced by each other. For example, if you want a group to act, you will have a much easier time arguing if you choose a stakeholder who already that the problem needs to be solved. On the other hand, if your audience doesn’t agree that this issue is a problem, you need to focus your argument on convincing them that it is indeed a problem.To best achieve your purpose (persuasion) with your audience (a particular stakeholder), you’ll need to:

•Carefully consider which stakeholder will need to hear your argument.

•In order to persuade an audience, you need to understand them.

oWhat do they know about your issue? What do they not know?

oHow do they experience this issue? Does it impact their personal lives, professional lives, relationships? Or is there some other impact?

oAre they causing the problem, contributing to it, receiving the negative effects, or do they have the potential to solve the problem?

oHow do they feel about this issue? Do they see it as a problem? Or are they benefitting from it somehow?

oWhat beliefs or values impact their opinions about this issue?

oWhat do you have in common with your audience? oWhere do your opinions and the audience’s opinions differ?R E QU I RE ME NT S :Your audience will have specific expectations:

•The stakeholder expects that the argument will besupported with reasons and evidencefrom the research you’ve gathered.

•They wantto see that you are familiar with the conversationon the issue and wants to know how your argument uniquely expands and contributes to that conversation.

•You should demonstrate an informed opinion about the conversation by including at least one counterargumentfor your position. Accurately and fairly represent and respond to such an alternative viewpoint on the issue.

•Relyon audience appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. Be sure that the appeals used suit the rhetorical situation

•If you are arguing for a solution, the audience expects to understand the feasibilityand appropriateness of your solution. Your paper should bebetween 2,000 to 2,500 wordsYoushould use at leastsix sources (often students use more than 10 for this assignment to successfully support a claim).

•You may use the sources you found for your annotated bibliography, and you can change them if you need to. These sources should be credibleand effectively quoted and paraphrased, with proper in-text citations and Works Cited entries.

•At least three (3) of your sources should be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.Your paper must be formatted according to MLAconventions.This includes MLA-style heading and page numbers, in-text citations within your paper for all quotes and paraphrases, and a Works Cited page at the end of your paper.

•You must remember to write and sign the CSU honor pledgeat the end of your paper: “I have not given, received or used any unauthorized assistance.”*Please see Canvas for a grading guide for this assignment