Identify a clinical problem and generate related question(s) to a field-specific area of nursing that requires investigation.

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of the systematic steps of literature searching to access the evidence by utilising a range of information technologies.

Formative Assignment Brief

The formative assessment will be a brief synopsis of your research topic (using the template below) that is related to a field-specific area of your nursing practiceADULT nursing and is relevant to your practice/course and of interest to you.

The main areas that you need to cover in the synopsis are:

  • Firstly, the research topic selected must be identified.
  • The aim and/or the objectives for undertaking this research should be clearly identified
  • The rationale for choosing the specific topic should be also identified, providing evidence to support it i.e statistical evidence, lack of research etc.
  • Secondly, the search strategy should be presented in a structured and systematic manor by: stating which search database(s) have been used (do not use too many), identifying the search terms that have been used and indicate how they were combined together and, summarising the inclusion/exclusion criteria, for example the search years covered or search time parameter and whether the student chose only studies conducted in the U.K. or used International studies.
  • Lastly, the student should demonstrate their knowledge in relation to Harvard referencing system and how to cite and reference the evidence that they have found correctly in-text and in the reference list.

In short, this synopsis should show the students’ understanding of their strategy for searching and the areas that they will cover in order to answer the research question that they had developed through the chosen research topic.

The aim of this assessment is to enhance your understanding and comprehension during the composition of this integrative literature review and support you, through constructive feedback, with your summative assessment. The nursing area/topic chosen by the individual student should be the same as that which s/he will or has selected for the summative assignment.