Assignment Instruction III

Now, it is time to pull together the first area of your research paper by writing a 4 page essay on the 19th Century, focusing on your central theme (leadership and diversity).

The final paper is designed to for you to demonstrate your skills of the course outcomes:

  1. Analyze theories of war.
  2. Describe the U.S. military strategy and evolution.
  3. Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships.
  4. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts.
  5. Research and write a paper that uses audience-appropriate content, is well-organized, and correctly applies writing mechanics. (General Education Outcome)

For example: if the two areas you chose as central themes are leadership and diversity, you would apply ONE of the two to a war from the 19th Centuries. In this example, you might apply leadership (the theme) to the Civil War (19th Century).