Students must design three different databases using relational, document, and key-vale data models. Start with a relational database with a minimum of 3 tables. The nature of the data can be of the student’s choosing (business, sports, music etc).

Each table should have a minimum of three columns, using the data types, nvarchar, datetime, and integer. Tables may optionally have more than three columns that use other data types.

The database design must include at least one of each of the following elements: foreign key, primary key, default and check constraints.

Each table must be populated with a minimum of three data rows.

The database must contain two views. One view must be defined using an aggregate function. The other view must contain a JOIN statement.

The database must also include a stored procedure that allows a user to modify the data in one of the tables.

The project proposal is due in Week 3, and must include a one-paragraph summary explaining the design of the database and the tables. The proposal must also include an entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the database.

After finishing the relational database, transform the relational database to a document and a key-value database, respectively. The completed project is due at the end of the course, and must include the SQL and NoSQL code to implement the project requirements.