Choose one of the topics below, and write a 6-8 page, typed, double spaced essay. Regardless of which topic you choose, please ensure your introductory paragraph contains both a clearly identifiable thesis statement which directly addresses the essay topic, and which specifically and succinctly summarizes your position on your chosen topic. Also, your introductory paragraph should contain an orienting ‘road-map’ for your forthcoming discussion, one which identifies each of the key components of the body of your essay, and outlines the order in which the reader should expect them to occur.

These individual components should, in turn, be logically related to the thesis you have identified, in the sense that together they can be seen to offer rational support for the truth of the claim articulated in your thesis statement. Your concluding paragraph, finally, should contain a brief summary of the essay in which your conclusion and road map are succinctly reiterated. It should contain nothing else (i.e., no new information). You do not need to answer every single question contained in the topic. Instead, use the questions as a guide to help you select, articulate, and defend a thesis statement.

Explicate and assess Locke’s theory of money, as developed in his Second Treatise of Government. What is money, according to Locke, and how does it allow human beings to transcend the spoilage and sufficiency conditions on property acquisition? Do Locke’s views on money imply an endorsement of unrestricted capital accumulation? Why or why not? Is Locke correct to characterize gold as ‘fiat money’? Why or why not? Is Bitcoin money? Why or why not? What would Locke say?