The class is National and International Security which belong to history and politic.

You can choose any of the week reading below.

Reading 1: Williams, Paul, D., and Matt McDonald., Security
Studies: An Introduction, New York: Routledge, 3rd
edition, 2018, pg. 511-525 (CH 34 – Women, Peace
and Security).
Reading 2: Williams, Paul, D., and Matt McDonald., Security
Studies: An Introduction, New York: Routledge, 3rd
edition, 2018, pg. 541-555 (CH 36 – Health).

read and article/video that you believe relates to that week’s substantive readings. These items need to be focused on your interests and you will need to explain in the comments how your posting relates to that week’s readings. You are not looking for items about the reading, but instead looking for items that you believe you understand with the aid of the week’s readings. They may also be examples of the principles and ideas covered in the readings. After posting your link, include a short discussion highlighting several of the items listed below.
You can uses these questions below to write the paper.
How does a major event relate to our reading assignments for the class?
How is this event important to others? Does it impact a specific group of people/nation/country? If so, how?
Does it have a global impact?
Does it have an impact on the national security of a particular nation or nations?
Does it impact international security from your view as a world citizen?
If contextually appropriate, what possible solution to the issues associated with this event can you think of?