PHY105 Virtual Magnetic Fields and Induction Lab


  • Examine the relationship between electric current and magnetic fields.
  • Study the properties of induction and Faraday’s Law.


This lab will be completed completely online.  You will need to take photos of your drawings and insert them into your paper.  There are 2 parts to this lab.  You will need to have read Chapters 24 and 25 in your eText.

Grading Information

Before you begin this lab please review the Syllabus>Laboratory Report Guidelines and Photo Requirements, along with the rubric: Virtual Lab Rubric (30pts).  Your grade will mainly be based on answering all numbered questions and providing any drawings/photos if required, along with providing a Title Page, Conclusion section and References.

Submission Information

  1. Please submit all of your work in a single document. You may copy paste only the Questions into a new document, please do not include all instructions and photos.
  2. Do make sure that your numbering remains consistent with this instructions document. Any and all photos should be included in your single submission.

Submit your paper as a .doc or .docx to the proper Assignment folder by the due date stated in your course Schedule.

Part #1: Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields (Chapter 24)

Open and watch this video .  Note that you want to watch the full video, but you are going to be required to pause at certain points in the video and draw what you see as stated below.  Sign and date your drawing and then insert it into your lab submission.

  1. While watching the video, at approximately time stamp 4:30 pause the video and sketch the filings around the wire.
    1. Your drawing must contain: a dot/circle in the middle for the wire, and then at least 5 field lines. Try to show with your lines how the field changes over distance from the wire.
    2. Show on your drawing – is there a distance from the wire where the filings don’t seem to be affected?
    3. Sign and date your drawing, take a photo of it and insert it into your lab document.
  2. While watching the video, at approximately time stamp 6:40 pause the video and sketch the filings around the coil of copper wire.
    1. Your drawing must contain: a line/bar in the middle for the coil, and then at least 8 field lines. Try to show with your lines how the field changes over distance from the coil from side to side.
    2. Show on your drawing – is there a distance from the wire where the filings don’t seem to be affected?
    3. Sign and date your drawing, take a photo of it and insert it into your lab document.
  3. While watching the video, at approximately time stamp 8:12 pause the video and sketch the filings around the multiple coils (it is OK if you need to watch the video a bit further for the close up views).
    1. Your drawing must contain: multiple lines/bars in the middle for the coils, and then at least 8 field lines. Try to show with your lines how the field changes over distance from the coil from side to side (if you need more lines don’t go overboard).
    2. Show on your drawing – is there a distance from the wire where the filings don’t seem to be affected?
    3. Sign and date your drawing, take a photo of it and insert it into your lab document.

Post Lab Questions

  1. For the three examples that you explored, describe how the field lines changed from close to the source (wire, coil, etc.) to farther away. Regarding your question (b)’s from above, if all the filings seemed to be affected, would there be a distance that they wouldn’t be?
  2. What produced these electric fields?
  3. What would happen to the filings if the direction of the current were reversed?
  4. Research and find an example of a magnetic field on the web. Provide your web source APA citation) and write a short summary about that example.  How was it discovered, how is the strength measured, does it have an effect on humans?